Academic Admission Program


"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men." (Matt. 5:13)

All new members of the Order must complete the Admission Program after admission into the Order, and prior to their formal investiture. Studying is completed on an individual basis, and therefore, the amount of time required to complete this program will vary with each person. One year should be a sufficient amount of time to complete this program. The program is divided into eleven parts. No more than one month should be needed to complete each part of the program.

Your mentor will review your progress with you throughout the program. Each month, and after reading each part of the program, you are to write a brief report on your progress in the program and your studies, and to send this report to you mentor. The progam is outlined below. Additional material may be provided to you as needed.


Daily Prayer Requirements

The following prayers are to be said daily by each new member until he is formally invested in the Order: the Our Father, the Haily Mary, the Act of Faith, the Act of Hope, and the Act of Charity.


Part I: Papal Encyclicals Concerning the Necessity of God and His Catholic Church in Society

1. E Supremi – On the Restoration of All Things in Christ

2. Inscrutabili Dei Consilio – On the Evils of Society

3. Miserentissimus Redemptor – On Reparation to the Sacred Heart

4. Quas Primas – On the Feast of Christ the King

5. The Rosary and Our Lady of Fatima


Part II: Papal Encyclicals and Writings Concerning the Dangers of Modernism

1. The Oath Against Modernism

2. Pascendi Dominici Gregis – On Modernism

3. Lamentabili Sane – Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists


Part III: Papal Encyclicals Concerning the Social Order

1. Quadragesimo Anno – On Reconstruction of the Social Order

2. Quod Apostolici Muneris – On Socialism

3. Divini Redemptoris – On Atheistic Communism

4. Anni Sacri – On a Program for Combatting Atheistic Propaganda Throughout the World

5. Notre Charge Apostolique – Our Apostolic Mandate


Part IV: Papal Encyclicals Concerning the Relationship Between God and the State

1. Humanum Genus – On Freemasonry

2. Diuturnum – On the Origin of Civil Power

3. Immortale Dei – On the Christian Constitution of States

4. Libertas – On the Nature of True Liberty


Part V: Papal Encyclicals Concerning Economic Morality

1. Rerum Novarum – On Capital and Labor

2. Vix Pervenit – On Usury and Other Dishonest Profit

3. A Quo Primum – On Jews and Christians Living in the Same Place

4. Papal Protection of the Jews


Part VI: Papal Encyclicals Concerning Catholic Orthodoxy

1. Acerbo Nimis- On Teaching Christian Doctrine

2. Aeterni Patris – On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy

3. Exeunte Iam Anno – On the Right Ordering of Christian Life


Part VII: Papal Encyclicals Concerning Departures from the Catholic


1. Mortalium Animos – On Religious Unity

2. Mediator Dei – On the Sacred Liturgy


Part VIII: Concerning the Roman Catholic Mass

1. "Christ Denied", Fr. Paul A. Wickens, (1982, TAN Books)

2. The Ottaviani Intervention – Regarding the Novus Ordo Missae

3. "The Great Sacrilege", Fr. James F. Wathen, OSJ (TAN Books)

4. "The Latin Mass Explained", G. Moorman, (2007, TAN Books)


Part IX: The Eastern Catholic Churches

1. "The Eastern Churches", by the Most Reverend Basil H. Losten, Bishop of Stamford, Ukranian Catholic Church. Published by the Knights of Columbus.

2. "To the Ends of the Earth: Aspects of Eastern Catholic Church History", (God With Us Publications). This book explains the development and relationship among the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. It is a very good presentation until the last page, where a misleading statement implies that a similar God exists among the Christians, Muslims, and Jews. In truth, Catholics adore the Triune God, the Blessed Trinity, while the other two religions do not. Accordingly, this book may be substituted at a later time if a suitable replacement is found.


Part X: The History of the Roman Catholic Church

1. "The Story of the Church: Her Founding, Mission, and Progress", G. Johnson, J. Hannan, M. Dominica, (1980, TAN Books)

2. "Which Bible Should You Read?", T. Nelson, (2001 Tan Books). The answer to this question for Roman Catholics is the Douay-Rheims Bible. "Which Bible Should You Read?" is a short book with good examples. This is an important topic, because there are many translations of the Bible, and many of them contain errors.


Part XI: The Knights of Malta

1. "Medical Work of the Knights Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem", Edgar Erskine Hume, (194John Hopkins Press). This book is out of print, but available through inter-library loan. This book discusses the charitable and practical work of the Knights of Malta.

2. The History of the Knights of Malta Since the Fall of Malta


Necessary Resource Books

• "The Holy Bible", Douay-Rheims Version

• "The Catechism of the Council of Trent" (TAN Books). This cathechism was ordered by the Council of Trent, edited under St. Charles Borromeo, and published by decree of Pope St. Pius V in 1566.